Here's the deal:
Several months ago, when I found out one of my good friends was going lose her baby to a rare genetic condition (Baby Olivia), I decided it was time to get serious about my faith. I knew then, and feel even more strongly now, that people who have a strong faith seem to get through hard times more easily. And although I DON'T have a strong faith, I want to be one of those people.
My bloggy friend Jackie and I talked about this, and asked me if I had a "plan." I didn't, besides go to church more often, and maybe find my Bible. Well, neither of those things have materialized.
So my new "plan" is to:
- collect meaningful Bible verses here.
- Go to church more often.
- Find my Bible. Pathetic, I know.
- Talk about my questions, doubts, and beliefs here, with you guys.